“My only wish”

21/05/2010 16:02

 A first hand account of child abuse from a client of WCCC

When I came to the centre I was so crazy. I was thinking of suicide – I just felt like my life was really not important. My uncle was hitting me a lot and I was very afraid of going home.

All the time though I was thinking of my mum in Australia. I haven’t seen her since I was a baby – and all I want in my life is to see her again. I can’t wait to give her a big hug.

The centre was really cool. I thank God so much for giving me to the Centre. They made me feel safe, they talked to me about how I felt, and they helped me to work out what comes next in my life. They let me talk to my friends and they even brouguht over my clothes. Now they are helping me to meet up with my mum.

I took my uncle to court. Now I have forgiven him for what he has done, but he will go to prison if he hits me again. I feel safer having gone to court – even though it was embarrassing and frightening.

My only wish is that I had come to the centre earlier. I know now that lots of people care about me and that my life is important and I have lots to do in my life. It’s cool – I feel safe now.