WCCC statistics review for the 1st half of the year 2012

20/08/2012 14:27

Case Type

Number of Cases

Domestic Violence


Sexual Violence

  • Incest Case 2
  • Rape 4
  • Sexual Harassment 1
  • Indecent sexual assault 1



Child Abuse - 24

  • Neglect 7


General Assault

  • Attempted suicide 2
  • Unknown case 1


For the 1st half of the year a total number of 156 clients sought the centre’s support services, including women, children and male clients. Domestic violence continues to be the most common source of support provided by WCCC, although reported cases of child abuse in 2012 have increased as have sexual violence cases including higher incidences of rape and incest case.

It has only been two year and a half since the centre has been established yet WCCC’s statistics reflect the broader society trend in which more people are reporting incidences of violence against women. 

The high peak season is noted between the months of Feb - Apr and slightly decreasing in May - June which is noted as the low peak season. Family obligations impact on the time and availability of women to report, which sees a dip in reporting during the beginning of the school year and also during church events of the year, where women often feel that obligations placed on them peak during this time, which they will priorities these obligations to their family and church obligations before their own welfare.

Clients can be referred from many sources. The majority of clients are referred to WCCC from the Ministry of Police Domestic Violence Unit, the Ministry of Health Hospital referrals and other NGOs and relevant entities, such as district nurses. Clients also come in of their own accord, having heard about WCCC in the media, or by word of mouth – which is collected in our statistics as self clients.

Safe house statistics

31 Women and Children have stayed at the safe house in 2012 during the first half of the year. The free, temporary housing at the safe house is only provided by WCCC to those clients who are deemed high risk and in need of a safe place to stay. A comprehensive life skills program is being developed within the safe house to help provide further development for women and children using the centre’s services









Although the numbers of clients to the centre from January- February 2012 have increased, it is therefore anticipated that the Centre will receive more reported cases and more clients throughout the year.

For more details contact 22 240 or email: wccrisiscentre@gmail.com