“US women and men we’re equal like wings of a bird…”

20/05/2010 16:33

Staff members from the Women and Children Crisis Centre have recently conducted awareness programs at ‘Ahopanilolo Technical College, St. Joseph’s Business College, Tonga High School and Fokololo oe Hau Technical Institute.

The awareness programs have enabled WCCC to send the message out to students and communities regarding the issue of violence against women and children. Students expressed interest in programs and messages of the crisis centre, statistics of women and children seeking support services and also case studies that were read to help show the real experiences of clients.

Evaluations have indicated that the students are engaged with the content, and interested in finding out more. WCCC Community Education Trainer Asela Sauaki said “It is often young people who can clearly see an abuse of human rights in our society. They have not had time to become used to such things. We were amazed with what one student wrote on her evaluation form: It is time for us women to do something. Raise our voices and change the world. Us women and men we’re equal like wings of one bird, two wings must work together so the bird can fly”