Now is the time to get your views heard

16/07/2010 08:05

How much are we prepared as a nation for the upcoming General Elections?  Democracy means that as citizens we should be given the right to have a say in how our country is run.  It's not just about turning up on the day of elections to vote – it’s about knowing about the new parliamentary system that is going to be in place, it’s about knowing who your candidates are in your electorate, it’s about knowing what your candidates stand for and believe in and it’s about knowing why you are going to vote for a particular candidate - and not just because the candidate is your relative, friend or going to donate many things to your community!  This is the first step in engaging in the democratic process. 

It's about taking an interest in the decisions being made around you and finding out how you can get involved in shaping these decisions.   It is really important that we have well informed opinions and we need to share these views on a wide range of issues such as violence against women and children, crime, climate change, women's participation in decision making, human rights, gender equality, economic development, teen pregnancy, suicide, drugs and alcohol.   Or you may have passionate views on things that impact your daily life – such as public service delivery issues, schooling and work.  If we really care about the future of Tonga it is up to us to get informed.

Campaign time – which is NOW - is when we need to get our informed opinions heard! Make use of the campaign time to get to know your candidates in your electorates and make a difference - because YOU CAN. Invite them to community meetings, tell them your views. Together we can all make Tonga a better place to live!!!!