Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on Women’s Right to Development with UN Special Procedure Mandate Holders

08/03/2012 15:52

WCCC’s Community Education Trainer, Lesila To’ia attended this consultation.

Representatives from the Asia Pacific Region participated with submission to the UN Special Procedure Mandate Holders, also presentations from different organizations that work in the Human Rights area.

WCCC’s presentation was on the Women’s rights to public education. “This has become concern especially young girls who were sexually abused and end up in pregnancy were automatically expelled or put out from school. Thus their rights to development through education are being cut off. We need to dig deeper into this, to find solutions and ways to overcome these issues”, said To’ia.

Interesting topics were also discussed such as the impacts of foreign debts on women, social and cultural rights etcetera.

It was a very moving and powerful meeting. Women stood up and voiced their concerns about issues within their contexts with regards to various violations of human rights that hinder their development. Their expectations from this consultation that women should define for themselves what development is to them, from a feminist perspective.

“I would like to thank the APWLD and Cambodian Committee on CEDAW for inviting WCCC to be a part of this meeting. Also I am grateful to my Director for giving me that chance and opportunity to be exposed to such international consultations”, said To’ia.